Grief Support Counselling


Compassionate and effective counselling aimed at helping navigate your grief journey so that you feel less alone.

Free 20 minute phone consultation

It feels like the world has shifted, doesn’t it? Like everything is different now, and you’re left trying to find your footing. Some days, the pain feels overwhelming, and other days, it’s quieter—but it’s always there, lingering.

You might feel isolated, even when you’re surrounded by people, because it seems like no one truly understands what you’re going through. Maybe you feel pressure to “move on” or “stay strong,” but inside, you’re carrying so much.

And the memories—they’re bittersweet, aren’t they? They bring comfort, but also remind you of what you’ve lost. It’s a lot to hold, and it can feel like you’re just trying to get through each day.

Maybe you feel guilty in those moments of happiness or laughter. Thinking to yourself, how can I be happy when they're not here anymore?

Does this reflect what you’re feeling? If it does, you’re not alone—and it’s okay to ask for support.

Is Grief Counselling a Good Idea?

Our grief needs to be witnessed. Grief therapy can be a safe, compassionate place to talk about your grief, share in memories of your loved one, and ultimately find a way to honour them.

Grief therapists can help you plan for the tough days - the anniversaries, holidays, birthdays - so that they feel more manageable.

In doing these things, typically clients will feel a reduction in their emotional pain and describe an ability to move forward. They will start to heal from their grief and loss.

At Tri Lotus Psychotherapy, we have psychologists who understand grief, both personally and professionally, to help you navigate this difficult time.

Signs seeking grief support may be beneficial:

  • You just need someone to talk to about your loved one or the pain you are experiencing.

  • You're crying more often than not.

  • You're having difficulty functioning at work, in school, or in parenting.

  • The grieving process feels overwhelming, intense, or prolonged, lasting for an extended period without any improvement.

  • You're finding yourself isolating from family and friends

  • You're experiencing sleep issues that are making it difficult to function.

  • You're finding it challenging to express your emotions.

  • You are experiencing excessive guilt.

Free 20 minute phone consultation

"Each person's grief is as unique as their fingerprint. But what everyone has in common is that no matter how they grieve, they share a need for their grief to be witnessed. That doesn't mean needing someone to try to lessen it or reframe it for them. The need is for someone to be fully present to the magnitude of their loss without trying to point out the silver lining."
David Kessler